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  如果我是你眼中的一颗泪珠,我会顺着你的脸庞滑落在你的双唇之间,因为我真的好想吻你!如果你是我眼中的一颗泪珠,我今生都不会哭,因为我怕失去你!   If I were a tear in your eyes, I would slide down your face between your lips, because I really want to kiss you! If you are a tear in my eyes, I will not cry this life, because I am afraid of losing you!      我在忧愁时想你,就像在冬季想太阳;我在快乐时想你,就像在骄阳下想树荫。   I miss you when I'm sad, just as I miss the sun in winter; I miss you when I'm happy, just like I miss the shade under the scorching sun.      窗前有花,屋里有酒,面包,我会做,你带着爱情来就好了。   There are flowers in front of the window, wine and bread in the room. I can make it. You can come with love.      直到爱的味道悄然离去,我才豁然开朗,原来它,曾经来过我的心里。   Until the taste of love quietly left, I was suddenly cheerful, it turned out that it had come to my heart.      所谓爱情,就是有那么一个人,可以轻易控制你的情绪,前一刻让你哭,下一刻又让你笑。真正的爱情,就是当我们都老了,我还是会记得你当初让我心动的样子。   The so-called love is that there is such a person, can easily control your mood, the first moment makes you cry, the next moment makes you laugh. The true love is that when we are old, I will still remember the way you made me move.      执子之手,与子共着;执子之手,与子同眠;执子之手,与子偕老;执子之手,夫复何求?愿一生执子之手,风雨同舟永不回头!爱你到永久!   Holding the hand of a son, sharing with the son; holding the hand of a son, sleeping with the son; holding the hand of a son, living together with the son; holding the hand of a son, what can a husband ask for?   Wish to hold the hand of your son all your life and never look back! Love you forever!      一句贴心的情话,如暖暖细流,温馨注入心田,幸福之花便开了;一个温情的眼神,如涛涛浪花,汹涌汇入心房,快乐之洋沸腾了;誓要爱你一辈子,给你一世温柔,一生爱恋!   A kind love word, such as warm water, warm into the heart, the flower of happiness will open; a warm eyes, such as waves, surging into the heart, the ocean of happiness boiling; vow to love you for a lifetime, give you a lifetime of gentle, lifelong love!      所有的是是非非都要独自面对,眼泪滴进了水杯,充满药水旳苦味,无言以对。   All the right and wrong have to face alone, tears dripping into the water cup, filled with the bitter taste of medicine, speechless.      我喜欢那样的梦,在梦里,一切都可以重新开始,一切都可以慢慢解释。胸中满溢着幸福,只因你在我眼前,对我微笑,温暖甜蜜。   I like that kind of dream, in the dream, everything can start afresh, everything can be explained slowly. Filled with happiness, just because you are in front of me, smiling at me, warm and sweet.      如果我选择了信任你,我便会毫无保留的信任你,但骗我一次就足够让我怀疑你一生,无论怎么弥补都是徒劳。   If I choose to trust you, I will trust you without reservation, but cheating me once is enough to make me doubt your life, no matter how to make up for it is futile.      我绞尽脑汁想写首赞美你的诗,但我失败了,因为即使全世界最美的言辞集中起来,也不能形容你美丽的万分之一呀!   I racked my brains to write a poem praising you, but I failed, because even the most beautiful words in the world can't describe your one in ten thousand!      独上江楼思渺然,月光如水水如天。同来望月人何处?风景依稀似去年。   The moon is like water and water is like the sky. Where are the moon watchers? The scenery looks vaguely like last year.      每个人身上都有一口泉眼,不断喷涌出生命、活力、爱情。如果不为它挖沟疏导,它就会把周围的土地变成沼泽。   Everyone has a spring eye, constantly gushing out life, vitality and love. If you don't dig ditches for it, it will turn the surrounding land into a swamp.      我喜欢你,从黑夜到黎明,从冷冬到暖春,从一秒到一生,生生不息,轮回不止。   I like you, from night to dawn, from cold winter to warm spring, from a second to life, endless, reincarnation.      英文经典爱情语录:等下次再见,我会用积攒了不知道多少天的温暖拥抱你。   See you next time, I will embrace you with the warmth I have accumulated for many days.      时间在变,人也在变。有些事,不管我们如何努力,回不去就是回不去了。   Time is changing, so are people. Some things, no matter how hard we try, we can't go back.      分手后最多也只是曾经同住一个屋檐下的客人,失恋是每个人的必经之路。   After breaking up, they are only guests who once lived under the same roof. Lovelorn is the only way for everyone.      喜欢是急着确定关系爱是等自己有能力给她一个家。   Like is anxious to determine the relationship, love is to wait for their ability to give her a home.      痛不痛只有自己知道,变没变只有自己才懂。   Pain or not only you know, change not change, only you can understand.      你还想啥?你还犹豫啥?就只剩一年了。你也不要再挑三拣四了,有我这样执着痴心而且又发誓对你好的人就赶快抓住吧!快爱我吧!时间紧迫哟!   What else do you want? What are you hesitating about? There's only one year left. You don't have to pick and choose, I have such persistent infatuation and vowed to your good people quickly seize it! Love me! Time is running out!      不能接受,那就改变;不能改变,那就离开。   If you can't accept it, you will change; if you can't change, you will leave.      追了一个男生好久,他一直没答应,今天他告诉我他喜欢我闺蜜,他让我帮她追我闺蜜,我答应了,祝他幸福。   After chasing a boy for a long time, he has not promised. Today, he told me that he likes my best friend. He asked me to help her chase my girlfriend. I agreed and wish him happiness.      从今往后让我们一起走,细腻的心思我们一起拥有。   From now on, let's go together. We have delicate thoughts together.      我不允许你打我,不要打了,你的手会很痛的,我很抗打哦!   I don't allow you to hit me, don't hit me, your hand will be very painful, I am very resistant to fight!      岁月流转,流年偷换,青春离我们渐行渐远。伴着我的痴情一片,去触摸爱的标签,辗转在你的温柔里是我无尽的爱恋。   Years of circulation, fleeting years, youth away from us. With my infatuation, to touch the label of love, tossing and turning in your tenderness is my endless love.      伽蓝寺我说这是最美的名字,只因为他轻轻唱到,石板路上回荡是再,等。   I say this is the most beautiful name of the Galan temple, because he sings softly that the stone road reverberates again, and so on.      别人指着你的痛处哈哈大笑,你却只能傻傻地笑着。   Others point to your pain and laugh, but you can only laugh foolishly.      人生最遗憾的,莫过于,轻易地放弃了不该放弃的,固执地坚持了不该坚持的。   The most regretful thing in life is to easily give up what should not be given up, and stubbornly adhere to what should not be.      你没有哭过,又怎能知道我痛哭的时候。   You have not cried, how can you know when I cry.      最好活法就是顺其自然,能走出黑暗,阳光就会给你温暖。   The best way to live is to let it go and get out of the dark, and the sun will give you warmth.

