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  最在乎的人,最重视的人,最特别的人,最珍惜的人,都是你。   You are the one who cares the most, the one who values the most, the special person, and the one who cherishes the most.      谢谢你,在这世界的角落,找到了我。   Thank you for finding me in the corner of the world.      暗恋是风,喜欢是海啸,爱是海,可偏偏人是孤岛。   Secret love is the wind, like the tsunami, love is the sea, but only people are isolated islands.      破碎的爱情,就像破碎的玻璃,握的越紧伤的越重。   Broken love, like broken glass, the tighter the grip, the heavier the injury.      我这一生遇到过很多人,他们如同指间的烟火,忽明忽暗, 最后只沦为一抹灰烬。   I have met a lot of people in my life, they are like fireworks between the fingers, sometimes bright and dark, and finally only reduced to a touch of ashes.      你朝我伸出手的时候,我差点以为,这一生都可以跟你走。   When you reached out to me, I almost thought that I could go with you all my life.      心里没有你的人,你又何必当真念念不忘。最好不过余生只有你,最坏也不过余生都是回忆。   If you don't exist in your heart, why should you keep thinking about it. Best but the rest of your life is only you, the worst is that the rest of your life is memories.      哪有不懂浪漫的人,只有不肯对你用心的人。   There are no romantic people, only those who don't care about you.      永远不要忘记陪你开始的那个人。   Never forget the person who started with you.      爱情里没有真正的傻瓜,只有心甘情愿做傻瓜的人。   There is no real fool in love, only willing to be a fool.      这段关系是我们一起搞砸的,谁都难辞其咎。   We've messed up this relationship together, and everyone is to blame.      喜欢和你去看最常见的风景,因为知道手心里握着的就是爱情。   I like to see the most common scenery with you, because I know that love is in the palm of my hand.      物是人非就是你把留言板从后往前翻,那些说一直会陪你的人都已经不再联系。   The change of things and people is that you turn the message board from back to front, and those who say that they will accompany you all the time are no longer in touch.      据说,两个人相处久了,会达到一种莫名的默契,比如:你不理我,我也就不理你。   It is said that two people get along for a long time, will reach a kind of inexplicable tacit understanding, for example: you ignore me, I will ignore you.      我们一生,可以遇见那么多人。不论爱与不爱,都可以在一起度过一生中的,一天,一月,一年。到了该离开的时候,好聚好散。然后,又和下一个人一起度过,又一个,又一天,又一月,又一年。无论是谁,挥别时,也请带着珍重。人生在世,要知足,要平凡,要感恩,不可以再任性强求。   We can meet so many people in our life. Love or not, you can spend a day, a month, a year together in your life. When it's time to leave, get together and let go. And then, with the next person, another day, another month, another year. No matter who it is, please take it with you when you say goodbye. Life in the world, to be content, to be ordinary, to be grateful, can not be willful again.      英语爱情句子:相遇是最后的独白,分手是最好的无奈,想念是最贱的依赖,回忆是最美的姿态。   Meeting is the last monologue, breaking up is the best helpless, missing is the most cheap dependence, memory is the most beautiful posture.      我涉旷野丛林而来,你撑船渡我,入灿灿花海。   I come from the wilderness and jungle. You cross me by boat and enter the sea of flowers.      无论时间如何流逝,日后的我,都不会忘记当初爱你时的心情。   No matter how time goes by, I will never forget the feeling when I love you.      我把余生寄给你,你却说地址不详。   I sent you the rest of my life, but you said the address was unknown.      生命里遇到的每一个人都是有理由的,之前所有的错失与遗憾,都只是为了遇到最终那个对的人。   Everyone in life has a reason. All the mistakes and regrets before are just for meeting the right person.      我可能是盐吃多了,闲的总是想你。   I may be eating too much salt, idle always miss you.      如果你遇到这么个人,周末骑着自行车载你到各处各地,早上叫你要吃早餐,晚上催你睡觉,带你去吃好吃的,你多胖他都爱,天冷了叫你穿多点,会在你亲戚来时多照顾,人潮拥挤时紧紧牵住你的手,你哭时逗你笑,为你拒绝所有暧昧,花花世界只有你入他眼,如果你够好运遇到,那就好好珍惜,做好跟他过一辈子的准备。   If you meet such a person, you ride a bicycle to various places on weekends. In the morning, you are called to have breakfast, at night you are urged to go to bed, and you are taken to eat delicious food. He loves you how fat you are. He will take care of you when your relatives come when it is cold, hold your hand tightly when the crowd is crowded, make you laugh when you cry, refuse all ambiguity for you, and only you enter into the colorful world, If you are lucky enough to meet, then cherish it and be ready to spend a lifetime with him.      委屈什么,世上又不止你一个人爱而不得,几乎每个人都会遇到一个,不能结婚却深爱过的人。   What do you feel wronged? You are not the only one in the world who loves you. Almost everyone will meet a person who can't get married but loves deeply.      我想把整个夏天的阳光在冬天时寄给你就像我在拥抱你。   I want to send you the sunshine of the whole summer in winter, just like I am hugging you      思念一个人的滋味就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。   The feeling of missing someone is like drinking a big glass of ice water and then turning into tears for a long time.      不是不想说话,而是有很多话讲不出来,放在心里会安全点。   It's not that you don't want to talk, but you can't say a lot of words. It's safe to put it in your heart.      你太美丽,世界为之黯淡,我甘愿化作一只蝴蝶陪伴你身旁。你的每一次笑容都让人如沐春风,微微上扬的小嘴巴,是世上最美的。一想起你,眼前便浮现你那绝美的笑容,怎么也挥之不去。   You are too beautiful, the world is gloomy, I am willing to become a butterfly to accompany you. Every time your smile makes people feel like spring breeze, the little mouth that rises slightly is the most beautiful in the world. As soon as I think of you, your beautiful smile will appear in front of me, which can't be forgotten.      我以为小鸟飞不过沧海,是以为小鸟没有飞过沧海的勇气,十年以后我才发现,不是小鸟飞不过去,而是沧海的那一头,早已没有了等待。   I thought that the bird can't fly through the sea. I thought that the bird didn't have the courage to fly across the sea. Ten years later, I found that it was not the bird that couldn't fly, but the other end of the sea, which had no waiting.      爱情不是游戏,因为我们玩不起。爱,就要真心付出,真诚相待。不要轻易说爱,许下的诺言欠下的债。爱不是缺了就可以找,更不是累了便可以换。爱一个人,不一定要拥有;但拥有了一个人,就一定要好好去爱。爱,不是一个人的独角戏,而是两个人的对手戏!女人善变的是脸,而男人善变的却是心。   Love is not a game, because we can't afford it. Love, we should pay sincerely and treat each other sincerely. Don't say love, promise, debt. Love is not missing can be found, not tired can be changed. Love a person, do not have to have; but have a person, you must love well. Love is not one person's play, but two people's opponent's play! Women are fickle in their faces, while men are fickle in their hearts.      我生命里的温暖就那么多,我全部给了你,但是你离开了我,你叫我以后怎么再对别人笑。   The warmth in my life is so much, I gave you all, but you left me, you asked me how to laugh at others again.

